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Georgetown Plastic Surgery is pleased to offer the greater Georgetown area a wide selection of terrific youth restoring options – including the neck lift. An early sign of aging is a subtle looseness of neck skin and underlying tissue. A neck lift gives you the same dramatic and youthful effects of the traditional facelift but with an emphasis on restoring that tight, well contoured neck line that you used to enjoy.

How does a neck lift work?

Much like a classic facelift, the neck lift tightens up and smoothens loose skin, but this targeted procedure focuses on the jawline and neck region. A neck lift by Dr. Staebel removes excess skin and re-sculpts neck muscles and tissue to restore the youthful appearance of your neck. Fullness or “bands” may be treated with liposuction or additional procedures to further smoothen the area. Incision lines may be well hidden under the chin and under the ear.

What benefits can I expect from a neck lift?

Also known as a cervicoplasty or platysmaplasty, a neck lift at Georgetown Plastic Surgery can:
• Reestablish your chin and jawline profile
• Get a firmer, tighter neck
• Help remove wrinkles and sagging skin

Am I a good candidate for a neck lift?

Neck lift surgery is a good option for you if:
• You are a non-smoker and are physically healthy.
• You have good skin tone and are not yet ready for a full facelift
• You have a positive outlook and specific, but realistic goals in mind for the improvement of your appearance.

If you are looking to restore a more youthful angle to your neck and under your chin, contact Georgetown Plastic Surgery for more information about a neck lift. We believe you will be delighted by your new beautiful, youthful presentation, and the confidence boost, that result from Dr. Staebel’s neck lift procedure. Call us at 512-686-1650 today for a consultation.